Tuesday 11 May 2010

Dealer - Overall Review

The title of the film in which we have made opening titles for, is called 'Dealer'. The story is that one character (Ryan) is seen walking along different roads and paths, leading to another character. The other character (Max) is shown waiting. When Ryan and Max meet each other, Max gets a small black box out of his pocket. He hands the box over to Ryan. You then see him open to box, to see that the contents of it is just a card, the Ace of Spades. We chose to end it like this to leave the audience asking the question "What is that card? Why an Ace of Spades?"
Our original was going to be a chase scene, but one of the members in our group was unable to attend due to unknown circumstances. We thought up the idea of our new plan on the day, traveling to our location.

Our storyboard is based on our first idea, the chase, and we were told not to create a new one. I edited the film in roughly a week, using various effects including changing the brightness and the sound effects. For example, we changed some footage to black and white so that it looked like it was from a CCTV camera, and we added a camera shutter sound to make it look like someone was watching us and taking pictures. Other sound effects which we used included a police car siren, a car passing at speed, various buttons, and a lift going up and down.

We chose our titles to be linked with the name of our film, ‘Dealer’. So we decided to use words such as Ace and Royal Flush.

The original song for our movie was a guitar cover of ‘Beat It’ by Michael Jackson. Although this music went well with our short film, it didn’t really suit an opening title sequence. Instead of using this song, we to create our own songs using Garageband.

As our group was the first to finish the opening sequence, we received a lot of feedback. The only criticism was that the first titles were not how they should be, like a conventional film. Taking this into consideration, we decided to make a third and final version, changing the titles at the start of the film. At the beginning, we now use the Universal Pictures logo. As well is this, we also made our own little clip for our own production company, 'Full Deck Pictures'. We added music to this as well.

Final Shot List
This is the final shot list of our film. This is not our plan for the shots for the film., but a summery of the shots we have used.

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