Monday 5 October 2009

Preliminary Task

Final/Second Film
This video is our final film after being edited. My group, Max, sam, Claudia and Me, had to film this task twice. This is because whilst filming the first film, we didn't realize that we had broken the 180 degree rule until we started editing it. Because of making this big mistake, it taught my group that it was easy to make mistakes whilst filming if you do not fully follow your storyboard. When we were filming our second time, we followed our storyboard fully, carefully following the 180 degree rule so no mistakes would occur.
When we were filming the first time, the room we were in was much smaller, so it was much more difficult to fit more shots in, but when we were filming for the second time, the room we used had much more space which made filming much easier and better, as well as the editing. During editing we also realised that we had made no continutiy mistakes, and that our film was creative, continuous and that it ran smoothly.

180 Degree Rule Mistake
This video shows how the 180 degree rule can be broken.

Max: (Walks in)
Ryan: You alright?
Max: Yeah good, you?
Ryan: Yeah not bad. You watch the game on saturday?
Max: Yeah it was awful.
Ryan: Yeah

This is my animatic which shows each frame of the story board, in order, which I created for my preliminary task. The first thing I did to make this animatic was to scan it onto the computer. I then opened it in Adobe Image Ready, where I put each frame in a separate layer. When I pressed play one frame followed another, but it was too fast. I then changed the speed of it. After I had created the animatic, I uploaded it to which then gave me the embed for the picture, so I could easily upload it onto my blog.

Ryans animatic

First Plan
This is the plan which followed the first filming, in the smaller room. It shows 'A' (Max) opening the door, walking across the corridor, and coming in the room room in which 'B' (Me) was already sitting down. The plan also shows each camera angle, and the direction where the camera will be facing, and where the camera will be placed. The arrows show the direction of a persons movement. Following this plan, the cameras shown are not breaking the 180 degree rule.

Second Plan
This is the plan for the final film. This shows the much bigger room and the cameras placed further out, because there was much more space. It shows 'A' (Max) opening the door, walking across the corridor, and coming in the room room in which 'B' (Me) was already sitting down. The plan also shows each camera angle, and the direction where the camera will be facing, and where the camera will be placed. The arrows show the direction of a persons movement. Following this plan, the cameras shown are not breaking the 180 degree rule.

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